Twitter Transcript: Herf 55 meal in the works. Burgers!

Now that's a pre-cigar dinner!

Herf 55 underway!
Our selection for this herf is the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Robusto.

Toothy wrapper,very firm roll, but perfect prelight draw. ^robert
In attendance are: Fernand, Robert, Joe, Chris, and Dan.
That's a tight ash.

We're following our usual 4-part rating system (Appearance & Construction, Flavor, Smoking Characteristics, and Overall Impression).
Great draw & smoke at the start. ^Joe
Tasting chocolate and dark roasted coffee. ^robert
Photo of ash close-up.

Category I. Appearance & Construction: 14 pts (95% of the points possible).
Right on, Josh. Glad to have you with us. ^Fernand
Tenacious ash. ^robert

Still holding strong. ^Chris

I've had some flavors of sweet hickory wood. ^Fernand
Light sweet taste through the first half. One relight.
Strong ash ^Chris

Sweetness fading at 2/3 done. ^robert
Category II. Flavor: 23 pts (92% of the points possible).
Category III. Smoking Characteristics: 23 pts (92% of the points possible).
That IS a tasty cigar ^robert
Category IV. Overall Impression: 30 pts (86% of the points possible).
[After adding in the scoring by @PHXCigarGuy] we then threw-out the highest and lowest (Joe’s 87 and Patrick’s 93). Upon averaging the remaining scores, The Cohiba Club's official rating for the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Robusto is 90.
We’ll see you at the next herf, August 5th.
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