Vitola: Figurado
Origin: Dominican Republic
Length: 6 ¼”
Ring Gauge: 52
Filler: Dom. Rep., Nicaragua, Brazil
Binder: Dom. Rep.
Wrapper: Corojo (Dom. Rep.)
Strength: Medium-to-Full
MSRP: $16.00
Produced by La Aurora S.A. for C.A.O. International, these cigars come packaged in their trademarked Sensi-Box, a beautiful white humidor with a digital readout on the front. The current Cigar Aficionado rating for it is 90 (Aug ’07).
Following Cigar Aficionado's 4-part rating system (Appearance & Construction, Flavor, Smoking Characteristics, and Overall Impression) I sat down to rate this cigar while enjoying a glass of Basil Hayden bourbon.

With a graceful conical-shaped head, it appeared very well-constructed. It drew alright and everything started off real nice until, bam! It split at about the mid-way point. From then on it went down hill. Though I tried my best to keep it together, there was no hope and a few minutes into the second half I had to put it down.

My rating for the CAO Vision Prana is 77.

Here's the points breakdown:
I. Appearance & Construction: 12 pts (80% of the points possible)
II. Flavor: 21 pts (84% of the points possible)
III. Smoking Characteristics: 18 pts (72% of the points possible)
IV. Overall Impression: 26 pts (74% of the points possible)
Nonetheless, I did appreciate the gift and look forward to trying one again soon.
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